Friday, March 19


You girls have made my day! I am so very sorry I never got back to posting the blog candy picture...I'm having such a rough time lately. Let me fill you in...I joined the gym - loved it but then started feeling blue again and having panic attacks...I finally worked out why I'm blue yesterday while looking at cute knickers lol.....I am totally hating my body right now, the way I look, I quit the gym and whilst mowing yesterday just got so overwhelmed...I just really want to join again at weight watchers. I did it 6years ago and also 10years ago and loved it so I know I can do it, the first step is the hardest they say :(

 Plus with sick grandparents and we just found out my sister has cancer! No wonder I'm not coping huh. Find out hopefully today if it's spread.

 Anywho enough about my problems - vent/sook over :)

A big thank you to Sammi for starting the followers coming
 I'm going to add to the candy so I'll go get cracking on that now! I'm so overwhelmed about the nice comments - thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Farm Girl (aka Katie)


Tracey Feeger said...

So sorry to hear you are having a rough trot. I know how you feel in some ways in regards to the anxiety and especially the weight. I got told the other day by my sister that she is getting married at the start of July so am trying to lose the unwanted 20kgs I am carrying. Back on Celebrity Slim shakes and lots of exercise. Hope you take that step and get yourself to weight watchers.

Fran said...

Oh honey, I am sooo sorry to hear about your sister, thats terrible but hopeully today will bring some much needed good news... and if it helps, cute underwear depresses me too :)

Kylie said...

We all have our insecurities and our BLUE days. Don't let them control you, you control them and 'live' your life!! Stay strong for your sister! Lol. looks like I'm lecturing you. I"m not honey just been there done that! Jump into your creative side and show us what you've got! Yay! ;)

hugs, Kylie ox

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to here about your sister.Hope you receive good news today.
Anxietys's I know about..been through them..It's hard sometimes and agree we need to jump in and do more creative stuff,sometime is hard to find the time for me with 3 children under 4 years old its usually late at night,but its nice to know you have people who will listen to you.Love your blog and looking forward to seeing all your new creations.

Sammi said...

(huge hugs) so sorry that things are so tough for you! Hope you can get some stress - relief out of crafting and blogging (I sure do!)